My most optimised video to suit the YouTube algorithm yet.
It is also my best performing video with 150K views
within a month.

Taking you on a story of my gap year after A-Levels, and how I used to to propel my career and future endeavors forward. There were some ups and some downs but in the end, it's something I'd never change.

This was all about me discovering my ethnic culture, after it being lost to mo for most of my life. I surprised my family by speaking our native language at the end of the video.

For most my life, time has seemed to speed up as I aged, so I wanted a video where I discussed this topic, whilst also involving the audience. 

Walk through a typical day at my university King's College London, whilst trying to show a different perspective as I chose to live at home instead of being in halls.

I spend a great deal of time and effort perfecting my craft. 
Countless hours go into scripting, filming and editing. 
Whether that is optimising the viewer retention, maximising click-through-rate through thumbnails and titles, or ensuring I leave the audience with a valuable message,
I strive to make the best and highest quality videos that I can on the platform.

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